Programming Parallel Computers


X9a: bug reports +

You need to log in to make submissions.

What you will need to do in this task

Please read the general instructions for this exercise first. Here are the additional instructions specific to this task:

Did you spot some mistakes in the course material or maybe bugs in this submission system? Please report them in our Zulip discussion forum, using the stream #bugs! Once you have reported at least 3 mistakes (any genuine mistakes count, as long as you are the first person to report them in Zulip), you can gain points for this task — just submit the list of bugs that you reported. No specific format is required, any human-readable plain text file is fine.


Your submissions are graded by our course staff. You can get up to 1 point if you submit a correct solution no later than on Sunday, 30 May 2021, at 23:59:59 (Helsinki).